Category Archives: America Incognita

The fringes, the factions and the disintegrating center of these United States.

The Z Blog: The Idiocracy

Like everywhere in the system, the thing I noticed was not the low quality of human capital at the front end. That has not changed all that much. Most frontline jobs at an airport are filled with people who show up. The real issue was a near total lack of supervision all along the way. There was no one riding heard on these people to make sure they avoided error. The 21st century has begun and the evolutionary process has changed and is going in the opposite direction.

Source: The Idiocracy | The Z Blog

Richard Hanania: Conservatism as an Oppositional Culture – How a sociological concept explains the “Scam Right”

Starting in the 1960s, elite institutions started to encourage black communities to take a hostile attitude towards mainstream American society. The lower classes sunk into higher levels of illegitimacy, crime, and despair. Yet the ideas that motivated these changes took hold throughout the community. Middle and upper-class blacks, even when embarrassed by the inner-city ghetto, ignored its problems except when they were used as a way to pressure and guilt white society into supporting left-wing policies. For the more intellectually active among them, encouraged and shaped by elite culture as represented in academia, the media, and NGOs, hostility towards white society was the guiding heuristic for thinking about social and political issues.

Modern conservatives find themselves in a similar position with regards to Stop the Steal and other right-wings scams. As part of the low status tribe, they are driven by resentment towards those above them. This has become the emotional core of much political activism. Within an oppositional culture, we see low IQ members of the community engaging in inexcusable behavior, and high IQ members ignoring such conduct when they’re not enabling it. The ultimate results of this dynamic can be observed in the inner cities of Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore. And also on cable news, talk radio, and at the meetings of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

Source: Conservatism as an Oppositional Culture

The Z Blog: Kanye West, Charles Blow, NFL Coaches, Liberian murderer in Fargo, Sam Brinton Freak Show, Xirl Science

I recorded the show on Wednesday evening, so I could not comment on the Kanye West appearance on the Alex Jones show. Editing the show last night, after having watched a bit of the circus and the aftermath, it occurred to me that what we are seeing is the imagination of Andrew Anglin come to life. West is a weird post-modern Pinocchio that exists to lampoon the pieties of the current age. For those who did not see it, West was on the Alex Jones show with Nick Fuentes to make a big scene. West showed up dressed as a ghetto Spiderman. He was wearing what looked like a varsity jacket, if the varsity was gay prison gang, along with a black gimp mask that had no openings for his eyes or mouth. He also brought a tiny net that you would use to fetch fish from an aquarium.

In the course of the show, West tried to promote Hitler as a misunderstood character, wrongly slandered by the Jews. Alex Jones tried hard to keep the show on the topic of censorship, but West would have none of it. Laura Loomer was brought on to talk about herself and one of Sammy Davis Jr’s grandchildren spoke for some reason. Fuentes was a minor player in this theater of the absurd. Since this started, I have struggled to make sense of it, as the whole thing is an eleven on my ridiculous meter. It is impossible to take seriously a man who thinks it is a good idea to do a TV interviewed dressed as ghetto Spiderman. Add in the fact that he is playing the Clayton Bigsby character from that old Dave Chappell sketch, but taking the role seriously, and we are in a strange place.

The question that matters here is who benefits from this? Freak shows always have a short life and in time this will be forgotten. On the other hand, those who lampoon current pieties with absurd exaggeration can stick around, but eventually their target gets tired of the jester and has him thrown off the tower. Andrew Anglin has been ignored into extinction by the people he used to mock. On the other, other hand, this freak show is just the next step in the decline of our politics into the absurd. Is a black hip-hop Nazi any more ridiculous than a brain damaged hobo in the Senate? Maxine Waters is now a respected figure in Washington, so how absurd is it to imagine Kanye West as the new David Duke? This freak show is just the next logical step in the decline of politics.

That said, mockery and satire work as political weapons when there is a serious message baked into the mockery and satire. It is hard to find the serious message in any of this, other than maybe it was a bad idea to elevate hip-hop culture, but that was obvious since the Sugar Hill Gang came on the scene. Otherwise, this stuff just looks like weird for the sake of being weird.

Source: Selected Items | The Z Blog

Counterflow Podcast w/ Buck Johnson Episode 235: Western Materialism, Modernity, and the Age of Information w/ Adam Patrick

My guest on this episode of Counterflow is Adam Patrick. Adam was the host of the now defunct “Y’er Talkin Over Me” podcast and is now launching “The Age of Information” podcast. His goal is to move the discussions past just “government bad, freedom good” and start to look at the larger battle taking place. In this chat, we discuss the way we view religion and spirituality in the Western world vs. how it was viewed in the East for thousands of years. The Western mindset often informs our thinking, but is it the way the Church Fathers looked at things? What is the difference? Was the Covid Cult of the last few years rooted in spirituality?

Source: Counterflow with Buck Johnson: Ep. 235: Western Materialism, Modernity, and the Age of Information, with Adam Patrick